Take Back Your Personal Power

Take Back Your Personal Power!

We are all powerful beings. We are born with wild lungs and voices to fill the air…

But we forget to use them sometimes.

As we grow, we are trained to tamp down the things inside us that are “wild” or “different” or “disruptive” – but these things make us who we are. We live anemic lives when we stifle our potential and follow the status quo.

But no one is made to live a stifled or stunted life!

No one is born to live their lives exactly like someone else did, either.

How would our species move forward if we never asked questions, or sought to understand our world, or expressed ourselves, or took risks? 

Really – where would we be if everyone tried to be like everyone else? 

How different our world would be without the contributions of people like Aristotle, Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Mozart, Gandhi, Einstein, Rosa Parks, and countless others throughout human history!

But we don’t have to make history to make a difference…

We just have to choose to live.

We are all products of our times, all masterpieces that contain bits of our past and our futures, all growing and expanding in the here and now…

And we all have to make the choice, every day, to be who we really want to be.

You are a powerful being with great potential and a purpose to find!

And you CAN accomplish your dreams

If you recognize – and take back – your personal power!

At Freedom Consulting, we believe that a successful spray foam or petroleum contracting business is built one “right” choice at a time – and each choice starts with you.

Do the Next Right Thing

Every Choice Matters. 

Everything we actually do replaces all the other things we could have done.

One choice forces out another.

And even simple choices – like what you have for lunch – narrow all the possibilities in the universe to one, in the moment.

You can never get a choice back once it is made…

And even a choice of what to eat for lunch changes your life! Every choice we make does.

Forever, your lunch choice for today will have been a chicken sandwich with fries.

And the world will never be the same!

…Okay – not every choice carries the same weight – but even small decisions can make a HUGE difference over time.

Can a lunch option make a difference? Of course!

When you eat, you no longer feel hungry. And, strangely, the whole world looks better (or at least more manageable) when you’re fed.

Besides, when you’re not hungry, you can think more clearly and make better choices.

Whether it be a small decision… 

Like choosing which toilet paper to purchase…

Or one of life’s big choices…

Like whether to buy a house…

Or climb Mt. Everest…

Or become a spray foam contractor!

Whatever the choice is, your chosen path will influence your future choices…

But it all starts with ONE…

That chicken sandwich with fries you have in front of you.

(Look at that – your lunch matters after all!) 

When we treat every choice like it matters, we recognize the power we truly hold in our lives.

It is then – when we take our power back and learn to wield it – that we can see our struggles for what they are: opportunities to grow.

What are you struggling with today?

Examine that struggle – that opportunity to grow – and instead of looking at how you got to where you are, focus on what choices you need to make right now to get where you want to be.

Because all we can do to change our lives, to get to a place that is better, is to do the next right thing

One moment at a time.

Small actions lead to great change…

And true change begins with listening to our inner guides.

Listen to Your Inner Compass and Critic

We all have that still, small voice inside us that helps us differentiate the next right step from a faulty one. 

With gentle abandon, it leads us, step-by-step, toward what we truly want from life and celebrates with us when we accomplish what we set out to do.

At Freedom Consulting, we like to call this inner guide our “Inner Compass,” because it always points “North” – toward the life we want and the path to get there.

Our Inner Compass is steady and dedicated, but it is also bold – even challenging!

It’s the creative force that brings new ideas, new goals, and new energy into our lives, after all! 

Our Inner Compass embraces the change that is all around us, nurturing growth by ushering us forward each day – what could be bolder than that!?

Following our Inner Compass helps us find fulfillment in life…

But it isn’t the only voice from within that is vying for our attention.

We have two inner guides…

And that “other voice” – our Inner Critic – isn’t as pleasant.

You know the voice we mean – the inner guide that breeds doubt and discouragement in the “voice of reason”…

The one that, in an effort to “be realistic,” goes for the creative jugular with its comments.

It may sound like your old math teacher who used to call you stupid in front of the class…

Or that “friend” that was really good at “helping you fit in” by making you feel terrible about yourself…

Or even an exhausted parent who truly meant well with those words that still sting.

But, believe it or not, as self-deprecating and mean as it can be, your Inner Critic is not your enemy. 

Your Inner Critic, created from all of the past hurts you have accumulated over the years, is trying to protect you…

But it is fueled by fear, and it doesn’t know a good thing when it sees one.

That’s why our Inner Critics often show us the paths better avoided.

When we listen to our Inner Critic’s voice over the gentle tugging of our Inner Compass, we typically get precisely nowhere…or find ourselves in a mess we don’t know how to get out of.

The answer? Search for the truth in the Inner Critic’s words, and carry them with you as you follow your Inner Compass back to a path you’re proud of.

Which of your Inner Guides do you listen to the most? Could you benefit from adjusting that balance?

We probably all could!

Take your power back from your Inner Critic – and see where your dreams can take you AND your business!


At Freedom Consulting, we firmly believe that your business is an extension of you – and the more you allow your Inner Compass to lead, the more your business will benefit!

Remember – you’re not alone on your journey!  

Freedom Consulting is here to help you navigate the business world – and we’re just a call away!