Starting a Petroleum or Spray Foam Business is Easier with a Guide

Life is never really straightforward, is it?

Sure, there are activities that seem simple enough – like grocery shopping or taking a shower – but doing things over and over again does not mean they are inherently straightforward.

With a few notable exceptions (like breathing), we each had to learn to do even the simplest tasks.

None of us was born knowing how to tell if egg prices are astronomical…

Or how to use a bar of soap (slippery thing!)…

Or why either of those things even matters.

We learn a lot by being alive – and a lot of life’s early lessons are taught to us by someone who has already mastered the skill we need to learn.

We all rely on our teachers and mentors to learn how to survive.

When we reach adulthood, the tables feel like they’ve been turned.

We start teaching others the skills that have kept us alive this long…

And under the responsibility of teaching, we tend to forget that even as adults, we need one another.

Because we are all still learning to live well.

Thinking that anyone has it all figured out is a trap, a recipe for disaster!

So here’s something true to chew on instead:

No one knows everything.

No one is perfect.

In fact, living is learning

And, as you most assuredly know, most of life’s choices are much more difficult to navigate than a grocery list.

There isn’t really an “easy” path to follow in life…

But there are certainly sketchy – even treacherous – roads that we can avoid if we learn from the experiences of others who have come before us.

The Road of Life is seldom a perfectly paved highway leading directly to our destination (wherever that is).

Instead, the paths we walk are often confusing, filled with criss-crossing intersections, loops, curves, and unmarked signposts.

Obviously, such road conditions make it very difficult to keep track of where you are going – if you had a goal in mind to begin with.

Sometimes, we walk a road in the dark, not knowing where we are headed, just putting one foot in front of the other…and in those times, we trust that where we end up is where we need to be.

But there are other times when we do know where we want to go, we just don’t know which of the criss-crossing, curving, jumbled-up paths will take us to our intended destination.

It is during those times it can be helpful to have a guide.

Learn From the Wisdom of Others

No two people ever take exactly the same path through life – but sometimes, we can share the journey.

We all try – sometimes subconsciously – to take wisdom from the people and places around us, distill it into something manageable, and apply it to our reality…

But what we learn on our journey influences how we choose to lead the rest of our lives.

It is essential, therefore, that we choose who – or what – we follow with care.

Thoughts become things.

Ideas shape our reality.  

And if we are to intentionally (rather than only subconsciously) have a hand in what our reality holds, we need to pay attention to the thoughts and guidance that we are heeding.

Luckily, we don’t needto walk alone.

Whatever your goal, someone has started your work for you.

No, really – somehow, you got to where you are today, and you have others to thank for that.

We do not exist in a vacuum. None of us gets anywhere “all by our lonesome.”

Even if we don’t realize it, we lean on others, learn from others, and build on the advancements made by others – and that’s what makes further progress possible!

When we internalize the information and wisdom discovered by others, we can build upon those ideas.

Need an example? Just take a look at the cell phones and computers we use every day. They are so integrated into our society that it’s difficult to remember they did not exist even 50 years ago.  

In fact, that sort of technology was only made possible by thousands of years of thought, experimentation, and scientific advancement.

One of the stepping stones that led to modern-day cell phones and computers was created to propel humans into space safely…

And 75 years ago, the technology necessary for flying a manned rocket to the moon did not exist!

Look how far we have come! 

Look how far into the cosmos our probes and rovers have reached!

For something a little closer to home, look at your phone.

None of us would be holding computers more powerful than those that took us to the moon without generation after generation of scientific discovery.

We all “stand on the shoulders of giants,” as Sir Isaac Newton said. 

No matter what we do, we work together – with our predecessors – to reach farther than they could.

That means, even when we are by ourselves, we are not alone in our quest through life.

When it comes to things we are trying to accomplish with our lives, we have others to lean on – and all the wisdom they gained in similar pursuits to learn from.

Life is easier if we learn from each other. Some problems have already been solved.

No matter what answers you’re struggling to find, chances are high that someone, at some time in history, has asked the same ones – and they may have gained wisdom in their pursuit that they can share with you.

Why not seek their guidance?

After all, it is easier to reach the top of Mount Everest (literally and metaphorically) if you have a guide.

Let Freedom Consulting Be Your Guide

We are always learning, growing and changing.

As humans, that’s what we are here to do!

But while many paths lead to the same end, regardless of your goal, some roads are easier (and quicker!) to walk than others.

That’s why navigating life’s challenges is often made simpler with the help of a (knowledgeable, trustworthy) guide.

With a good guide, you can navigate the way to your goals with much less stumbling.

If you’re starting an oil and gas or spray foam contracting business in America, there are many things to learn – but don’t fret! Freedom Consulting is here to be your guide!

With decades of experience in both the spray foam and oil and gas industries, we’re here to answer your questions about starting and building your business.

Plus, we care about you, and we want you to succeed.

You’re not alone, friend.

If you’re struggling, let us help you find your way.

That’s why we are here!


Life is easier with a guide – especially when it comes to building a successful spray foam or petroleum contracting business. 

Luckily, you’re not alone in your quest – Freedom Consulting is here to help.

If you have questions for us, Freedom Consulting would be honored to help you on your path to business success.

Give us a call today!