Free Your Mind to Succeed in Business

Humans are amazing creatures.

We are intelligent, curious, and built to survive.

Human instincts have enabled our species to thrive on this planet.

Even today, instincts like the “fight or flight” response to fear help us survive life-threatening situations.

We pass these primal traits on to our children and – through our children – to our grandchildren. 

On and on.

We carry the wisdom of countless generations within our very bones….

“What are these people talking about,” you ask? 

Stick with us for a minute!  

You’re a human, right? Thought so!

That means all this “nonsense” relates to your business – we promise!

Okay, back to it.

Although some of the things that stir our fear are unique to our time, fear itself hasn’t changed much throughout human history.

We still fight when we feel threatened.

And we still flee when we are overwhelmed.

After all – some things are inherently frightening or overwhelming.

Like running your own business, for instance… 

Or holding the livelihoods of countless employees in your hands…

Or deciding to sell your business and retire.

(See? Told ya this relates to your business.)

Are we meant to fight or flee these triggers?

Fleeing will only get you so far here…

The “dangers” of your business are not fixed by hiding in a cave and waiting for a predator to find a different dinner option.


Business problems are consistent and persistent.

They need to be examined, honored, and dealt with – one at a time.

Just like your personal problems.

Enter Freedom Consulting, LLC.

FREEDOM CONSULTING, LLC IS HERE FOR YOU (…and your business, too!)

Freedom Consulting, LLC is here for all your business consulting needs.

Whether you’re building a brand new business…

Or learning how to market your growing spray foam business…

Or expanding your petroleum business’ assets and profit margins…

Or preparing to sell your business of 30 years, so you can finally explore wood burning.

Whatever your business needs, Freedom Consulting, LLC can help.

We help your business by helping you…

The entrepreneur…

The individual…

The human.

We are here for YOU.

It would be foolish to ignore the fact that business problems are often personal problems in disguise.

We have found that to help your business, you must first help yourself.

To start, you gotta stop pretending you’re perfect, man!

You’re not.

No one is. (We aren’t perfect either. Dang it.)

But that’s awesome.

The best rewards of life stem from what makes us imperfect.

Imperfections humble us and allow us to grow.

So free your mind and embrace your imperfections.

You’re not perfect…

And that rocks.

So here comes the good part!

It’s time to really dig in and get to know yourself so you can live a fulfilled life!

Time to be honest with yourself about your imperfections – and flesh out your strengths – so that your business can grow.

It’s time to free your mind of illusions.

Quit holding yourself back! And quit pretending you need to be perfect to succeed.

If that were true, no one would ever succeed at anything.


Although important to your life’s journey, there’s much more to you than your imperfections.

You have a unique set of skills that you bring to your business.

And your business needs the strengths you have to offer!

Others – like Freedom Consulting, LLC! – can help you with the rest.


The answers to a vast majority of business issues lie within your own mind.

That’s right. 

Deep down, you likely already know the next steps to take for your business.

Now, obviously, not all of business success is in your head…

There is other work to be done, too…

But what we think often becomes our reality…

So mental health and clarity are certainly a good place to start!

Let’s take another look at fear.

Can you find the courage to face yours?

What do you think would happen if you didn’t run away?

Since your pressing business problem is likely not a saber-toothed tiger, you probably won’t die if you stand your ground without fighting OR fleeing…right?

Thought not.

So, try it.

Go on!

Turn around. 

Face your fear.

Walk toward it, and take a seat. 

Then ask your fear to explain itself!

Stay there until you understand the root of the issue – until you feel at peace with it or know what steps to take to change your circumstances.

And then?

Get up…

Thank your fear for helping you grow…

Turn your shoulders toward the rising sun…

And walk into your brilliant future.

A future where your business is better because you chose to be real with yourself and work through your struggles.


It’s obviously much easier for us to flippantly tell you to go and “check yourself before you wreck yourself” than it is to actually do that…

But being honest with yourself is of utmost importance to the success of your business.

And that’s work that only YOU can do.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

Freedom Consulting LLC is here to help people – not just businesses.

If you are struggling to work through your troubles on your own, we can put you in touch with a trusted counselor who can help you free your mind of the blocks holding you (and your business) back…

So you can push through all the boundaries…

And so you can grow your business and build a better life for yourself and your family…

AND so you can sleep well at night, stop worrying so much about the future and the past, and focus on the present. 

The only time we live in.

In the meantime, take a deep breath, let your shoulders relax, and allow yourself to dream again.

It could transform your life.


Owning a business is not for everyone.

The life of a business owner is filled with uncertainty and difficult decisions. 


If you enter this life for the “right” reasons (which only you can define)…

And you make a habit of facing the challenging questions that arise (then answering them honestly and changing what is necessary)…

Being a business owner can also bring hope, joy, self-empowerment, and personal growth. 

Do you feel held back in your business?

What is it that you are really afraid of?

Are you afraid of failing, for instance – or are you really afraid of the consequences of success?

There’s a worthwhile question: What if you succeed??

You haven’t started your business yet, you say?

Are you hiding in a dead-end job instead of following your true path?

What if you quit the job you hate and started that business you hold in your heart?

Are you afraid of what other people will think of you?

You’re the one living your life, man!

Can you live with yourself, doing what you’re doing? 

Or not doing what you really want to do?

At Freedom Consulting, LLC, we understand the risks and rewards of running your own business.

We know how challenging spraying foam can be.

We know the risks and rewards of working in the petroleum industry.

And we also understand the pain of letting go of something you put your blood and sweat into for years.

Freedom Consulting, LLC is here to help you with the “How-to” and the “What if” and the “But…what?” questions. So don’t hesitate to ask!

We can help equip you with the right tools to get your job done…

So you’re not trying to re-invent the wheel. (Why would you do that? It works just fine!)


Humans are wonderful, adaptable creatures.

And we can accomplish anything if given enough time and determination.


Be honest with yourself.

Are you made for this? Are you made to run your own business?

Are your reasons for leaving your old way of life worth the effort running a business demands?

Distinctions are made with fine lines.

You are the only person who can answer these questions.

And there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with making a different change in your life if you find that being a business owner was a distraction from the real problems you need to face.

What a brave thing to recognize, if that’s where you find yourself!

We tip our hats to you and wish you the best of luck in your life journey.

If you really DO want to be a business owner, though, Freedom Consulting, LLC is ready to guide you on the path of business life.

You’re on this planet to live your life.  

So go be you!

Take that bull by the horns, and get out there!

You’ve got this.

And Freedom Consulting, LLC is here to help when you need it.

1 thought on “Free Your Mind to Succeed in Business”

  1. Pingback: Find Freedom From Perfectionism - Freedom Foam & Equipment

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