Business Consulting to Empower

Expanding businesses and empowering business owners through proven, honest practices and strategic vision.

The Man Behind the Brand

Todd Mann is the founder and sole consultant of Freedom Consulting, LLC.

Inquisitive, communicative, and trustworthy, Todd can help your business, no matter what state it is in!

Todd’s Story

Life is a journey.

Todd’s life path has led to many places – Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, Alaska, even Canada – but it all started on the Bar L farm and ranch in Oklahoma.

Growing up on a farm teaches many things, including…

the value of hard work

and the patience required for tending crops…

and the compassion necessary for raising livestock.

Farming also grows a deep connection to one’s surroundings and thorough respect for fellow creatures and people.

There’s nothing like working on a farm to sprout the desire to work fairly. Honesty and fairness underly all of Todd’s work…

He treats others as he would like to be treated…he’s a farm boy, after all!

At heart, Todd is an adventurer.

He has traversed mountain ranges

Navigated the courses of rivers

Braved the waves of the ocean…

Explored rarely-visited islands

And shared the wilderness with moose, dolphins, bears, fish, wolves, caribou, cougars, whales, deer, rattlesnakes, turkeys, and ancient trees.

Respect for his fellow man and beast and a deep sense of adventure drives Todd to live life to its fullest

And to experience the Earth as it lives and breathes.

For more information about Todd’s love for the outdoors – and an opportunity to join him in the wilderness – visit

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Educated at Oklahoma State University, Todd entered the petroleum industry in his 20s,  going on to accrue 30+ years of experience in the field.

Todd has overseen engineering and construction projects…

Completely overhauled safety procedures for industry-leading companies…

Labored in the oil fields and on the North Slope of Alaska…

Hired and trained future leaders for multiple organizations…

Negotiated terms and sold major pipelines and oil storage fields…

Managed large groups of people.

Todd is a high-energy individual and brings that key personality trait to every working experience.

He has a keen sense for business expansion, cost savings, quality control, and safety implementation

And he treats each person he meets with respect and kindness

Like you would expect from the rural neighbor mentality that he has.

Discover How Todd Will Help Your Business!


Seeing the amazing business potential, Todd entered the spray foam insulation industry in 2006.

He owned and operated a spray foam contracting business…

Learned the intricacies of spraying foam and contracting services…

And applied his outstanding work ethic to every situation.

A master of his craft, Todd joined a spray foam manufacturing organization to help make the industry better!

After nearly fifteen years, Todd’s business expertise, “farm-raised” attitude, and work ethic have saved spray foam companies and contractors

Millions of dollars.

Let’s review.

Todd has overseen the operations and engineering sectors of multiple oil corporations…

Increased sales and incorporated turn-around marketing campaigns for numerous companies…

Trained and managed the career growth of countless employees…

And cut costs, increased profit margins, and ramped up safety precautions everywhere he went.

He’s done it before, and he’ll do it again!

Don’t wait!

Find out how Todd can help you and your business today.


Todd’s unique life experience has led to a unique approach to business.

Bringing high energy, fair practices, and respect to the workplace, Todd rapidly expands businesses without wasting resources.

Todd’s business methods are down-to-earth and straightforward and hinge on the following advice:

Reach toward your dreams by working with what you have

From where you are

Using the skills and assets that you possess.

If you need to learn something, learn it.

And if you need help, ask for it!

Through Freedom Consulting, LLC, Todd offers businesses expert advice for the formation, expansion, and sale of their business.

For more information about Todd’s services, visit the Freedom Consulting Services Page, or reach out for a free quote today!


Leading companies, such as…

ConocoPhillips, CH2M HILL, BP, ExxonMobil, Explorer, Colonial, TransMontaigne, Buckeye, Wolverine, Jayhawk, Suncor, Worley-Parsons, NANA Corporation, Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing, and many others…

Have benefitted from the expertise, forwardthinking, and support Todd provides.

Todd excelled in the roles of…

  • Director of Engineering
  • Vice President of Operations and Engineering
  • Executive Vice President of Business Development
  • Senior Construction Manager
  • Strategic Planning Advisor
  • Project Management Consultantand more!

Businesses who hire Todd see…

  • Profit margin rise
  • Safer workplaces
  • Increased quality control
  • Higher sales rates
  • Significant cost savings

Don’t Wait Any Longer!

Call Freedom Consulting, LLC Today!