Building Successful Business Relationships to Increase Your Business Success

When you own a business, life can often revolve around that business and its success…

But business success doesn’t happen overnight!

Lasting success is a process

Like making your morning coffee…

Or taking a class…

Or completing a project.

Sustainable business success takes consistency, and is achieved one step at a time.

Everything in life is a process, and every step we take builds upon the last one.

You need a firm foundation before you can create lasting growth.

With one step at a time, we reach new heights, access new levels of understanding, and achieve our goals

Including finding business success.

Successful businesses are built on solid foundations of successful business relationships. 

Successful business-client relationships begin with an introduction, enter a time of building trust, continue with the conversion of an interested party into a paying client, and “end” with a follow-up stage and an open channel of communication in the future.


The first step of building client relationships is introducing yourself to your client.

This can be done in person, but may also occur online, via word of mouth, or through other forms of advertising.

In fact, this introduction to (and subsequent familiarization with) your brand is what advertising aims to accomplish.

The more visibility you’re able to wrangle for your business, the more likely a person is to purchase your services.

While certain forms of advertising can be expensive, others can also be cheap, or free!

Some of the best advertising is invisible and costs nothing at all – “the grapevine” can be your best friend in business!

When your clients talk to others, the word of your work spreads, and the more people who know your business name, the more business you’re likely to muster up!

But spreading your name around the internet means nothing if your work is inconsistent with the brand you’re trying to build.

Build Trust

One of the most vital steps in the customer process is building trust with your clients.

Before a client will pay for your goods or services, they will need to trust you and your business.

How does building trust in your business work? 

Potential clients in this stage of the buying process have been introduced to your business in one way or another – perhaps they saw your name, logo, or ads somewhere, or heard from someone they know that your work is worth their investment….

Now what?

Now, they do some research!

Isn’t that what you do when you’re looking to purchase something? We’re willing to bet it is!

You leverage Google, and so will your potential clients.

What online platform(s) and information do you have for them to find?

Create an Online Platform

Do you have a professional website? If you don’t, and you’d like to create one yourself, feel free to peruse our suggested path to building your own here!

If a website is too much for now, you can simply make a Facebook page for your business, or a Google My Business listing. 

Although you have several ways you can connect with your clients, we highly recommend designating an online space for them to gather more information about your business.

Don’t worry – that doesn’t mean you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars or waste hours and hours a day online. 

Creating an online presence doesn’t need to be difficult, expensive, or even require much time.

You can create a professional-looking website in a weekend, and for much less money than you may think!

If you choose to make Facebook or Google My Business your online platform, your baseline costs will be even lower – and may even be free!

Here’s the point, though: people are less likely to trust you if they can’t find an online record of your business. 

If you need help, you can find countless free tutorials on how to create whatever form of online presence you choose – but whatever platform you use, your online branding needs to match the version of yourself that you advertise!

Be Consistent with Your Branding

When your branding is consistent, your customers will trust you more readily.

Think about it. When we run into inconsistencies in the buying process – or in other areas of our lives – they make us hesitate.

Inconsistencies act like red flags – they throw doubt on the situation, person, or choice like a wet blanket. 

No one wants that!!

Just think of your favorite movie star, musical artist, or sports figure.

What if you met them on the street and they were rude – even hateful – toward you? Would that lessen your view of them? Probably! Would they still be your favorite? Maybe…but maybe not.

Inconsistencies in your business branding – or with your actions while on the job – cause doubt about the integrity of your business…

And doubts about your character or your business’s integrity can be detrimental to the growth of your business.


You want to be as authentic as possible with your branding, keep things consistent across all platforms you place your business on, and followthrough on any and all promises you make to your clients. 

Follow Through on Your Promises

Promises are made to be kept.

If you don’t think you can keep a promise to your clients, don’t make it, or you risk damaging the lasting growth of your business.

Obviously, sometimes life happens, and you can’t keep the promises you intended to – and would ordinarily – keep.

If you find yourself in a sticky situation, and aren’t able to follow through on the promises you’ve made, communication is the best policy! Be honest with your clients about any changes that may occur due to unforeseen circumstances, and do your best to reach a reasonable solution with your client.

A client who feels like they have some control over the goods or services their money buys is a happy client, and open communication typically helps smooth any choppy waters you may find yourself in.

You, as a business owner, can’t always control the outcome or feelings of your clients, but you can do your best to do what you said you’d do! That’s all anyone can expect of you or your business.

The point here: deliver the work you’ve promised, even when it’s inconvenient!

Advertising and branding consistency will only take your business so far – the goods or services you’re selling must live up to expectations, or your business relationships – and the very foundation of your business – will be in jeopardy.

When you uphold the expectations that you and your branding have created, though, your clients will be happier, and your business will grow!

Delivering the work you promise isn’t the last step in the business-client relationship, however.

Completing the Job is NOT the Last Step

A job isn’t finished simply because you’ve rolled up your spray hose or delivered your drilling recommendations to your clients.

Yes, you’ve reached the end of the day and delivered the “deliverables”…

But after the work is complete, it’s time to follow-up with your client.

Keeping a conversation open with your clients – and ensuring they are happy with your work – is what sets a professional apart! 

When you follow up with your clients, you communicate your intentions to stay in this business.

And because you built your brand by being consistent, and your work proves you have integrity, reasonable clients are likely to recommend you and your work to others.

Notice we say “reasonable clients.” There are those who would swindle you out of your money, just as there are professionals who would do so to their clients.

But most people?

Most people will appreciate the job you’ve done – as long as you have delivered the product you advertised!

And if they appreciate your job well done, they’ll likely tell others about your work.

Recommendations are a sign you’ve built a healthy business relationship with your clients!

And healthy business relationships lead to thriving businesses.

Unfortunately, not every client is a good one.

Uphold Healthy Boundaries

As most of us know from growing up, not every relationship is a healthy one. 

Unhealthy relationships can rear their ugly heads in every walk of life – including in business! 

The main takeaway here: You are not responsible for your clients’ personal happiness. You are only responsible for upholding your side of the business deal in a professional manner

If a client is not happy with work that falls short of the promises made to them, they have reason to be upset, and you should do everything in your power to make things right. 

However, if your work fulfills the agreement you came to together, it’s likely that those clients aren’t upset with your work. In the context of a client upset with a job well done, there’s likely something else going on in that client’s life that is influencing how they view your work. 

Knowing that doesn’t make unwarranted criticism less frustrating, but as long as your work upholds the integrity of your business, there’s no need to lose sleep. You’re better served to simply let some business relationships go.

How do you protect yourself and your business from clients who are dishonest, hurtful, or just plain rude? You uphold stellar business practices!

When you have solid business policies, you are able to fall back on them to protect yourself – and your business assets – in times of trouble.


Business relationships are very like other relationships in life. All relationships are based on trust, and trust is key to creating a firm foundation for your business. 

You cannot succeed without trust…but with it, you can build a successful business whose growth will be sustainable for years to come.

Wondering how to build better business relationships so you can improve your business growth? Give Freedom Consulting a call today!

We look forward to helping you in any way we can – and can’t wait to witness your success!